Monday hours are back!! Our first Monday back open will be on Monday, January 13th.

2015 Knit Lit Literary Challenge

Members of the Library’s Knit Lit group were challenged to write a limerick with knitting as its theme.

First Prize: Pat O’Connell
There once was a woman who knit
Whose house always looked like a pit
Because of her habit
She ran like a rabbit
When her husband screamed ‘What’s all this ****.’

Second Prize: Katherine Blake-Parker
There once was a woman who knit,
Who also drank quite a bit…
She knitted and knitted…
every time that she sitted…
And found that nothing she made ever fitted !

A tie for Third Prize:
Gloria Dossena

There once was a woman who knit
By the fire each night she would sit
Making socks by the peck
And cowls for your neck
Taking care that her yarn does not split.

Donna Zmijewski
There once was a woman who knit
With needles in hand she did sit
She made booties and cowls
And pretty hand towels
Before she decided to quit

Honorable Mentions:

Rosanne Geylin
There once was a woman who knit,
But none of the sweaters ever fit.
So, at the end of the day
She hid them away,
And said “Oh the hell with this!” and quit!

Kate Glass
There once was a woman who knit
She was always at the end of her wits
Her needles would cross
And her yarns were a toss
Making her always crying in fits

Frances McLaughlin
There once was a woman who knit
She started a group called Knit-Lit
They came from all over full of ideas
And knitted and knitted for good causes
Without sight she inspired us with courage and wit

Jane Pedersen
There once was a lady who knit
She loves it so much she can’t quit
Books taught her how to finagle
the stitches while eating her bagel
Holy Toledo! That’s it!!

Janice Sloan
There once was a woman who knit,
So all she did was sit.
Her husband said, “Ski!”
She thought, “Who me?”
Now she sadly misses Knit- Lit!

Sandy Sheppard
There once was a woman who knit(ted)
while eating red grapes left unpitted.
She spit pits down the drain but the juice dyed the skein
for the shawl she donated to Knit-Lit(ed).

Dawn Spitz
There once was a woman who knit
And she was so good at it
And her work so well done
That soon everyone’
Made her vow that she never would quit.

Ellen Johnson
there once was a woman who knit
straight skirts with a beautiful split
the boys would all stare
the girls didn’t care
they thought she was really a twit.

Christina Tilton
There once was a woman who knit
But couldn’t accomplish it
So she took up cooking
And now is looking
For a sweater that will fit