About the Friends

Since 1974, the Friends of Brooks Free Library is a dedicated group of volunteers who support our library’s mission to inspire learning, reading, and engagement with the arts, sciences, and humanities.

We are a non-profit organization and take great pride in the the ways we support the library and help it flourish. Here is a look at some ways we contribute to the growth of the library:

  • Support the VITAL Program: We provide materials and equipment for Vision Impaired Technology Assistance at the Library.
  • Funding for Fun and Learning: From kids to adults, we sponsor exciting programs year-round! (Check out our Event Calendar for details.)
  • Museum Passes: We help you explore local museums by offering free or discounted passes. Search our list of the many available Museum Passes.
  • Books on Wheels: Our volunteers bring books to community members who can’t visit the library in person through the Books On Wheels program.
  • Library Building and Grounds Improvements:
    • Funding for the expansion of the parking lot
    • Renovation of the Thornton Room, including installing an assistive listening system
    • Upkeep and irrigation of the Library garden
    • Refurbishing select pieces of Library furniture
  • Underwriting the Book Leasing Program: Thanks to this program, the Library has access to additional copies of newly released bestsellers, thus minimizing the wait time patrons have to borrow a popular book.
  • Sponsoring First Sunday Programs: This monthly free-to-all program features an engaging speaker or musical group, held at the Library on the first Sunday of each month in the off-season.

Joining the Friends of Brooks Free Library

We can accomplish all of the above, and so much more, thanks to the support of our members, proceeds from our bookstore, and generous donations from people like you. Philanthropic gifts and annual membership dues, both tax deductible for many, make it possible for us to enhance all that the Library does for this Cape Cod community. Please consider joining the Friends of Brooks Free Library by filling out our fillable membership form (click here). Upon completion, simply print out the form and mail it, along with a check made payable to the Friends of Brooks Free Library. Alternatively, you can bring the form and check in to the Library.

Our Mailing Address:

Friends of Brooks Free Library, Inc.
P.O. Box 1456
Harwich, MA 02645

We are thrilled to welcome new members, whether you have just moved to this vibrant community or have been a part of the fabric of Harwich’s history for some time. New members bring fresh ideas and perspectives that will help us continue to expand our programming to further support the Library.

Please be in touch via email to FriendsofBrooksLibrary80@gmail.com with any questions. We look forward to welcoming you to the Friends.

The public is welcome to join Board meetings, which are typically held in the Thornton Room (basement level) at 10 a.m. on the 3rd Thursday of each month. Please note that we do not meet in December, July, and August.


PresidentTaffy Aldrovandi
Vice PresidentClarice Brown
TreasurerBarbara Obrig
Recording SecMartha Curran
Corresponding SecLynne Lavieri
Program ChairConnie Giorgio
Membership ChairsLynn Budell & Betsy Lawrence
Hospitality ChairLynne Lavieri
Book Sale ChairDiane Hamilton
Books on WheelsBarbara Obrig
Publicity ChairRita Bock
Technology ChairsBetsy Lawrence & Kim Seserman


Debbie Sturgis
Connie Harada
Peggy Coupal
Donna Hebert