Get a Library Card

Our Brooks Free Library CLAMS card is available to everyone. You do not have to be a resident of Harwich or own land on Cape Cod to get a card! Replacement cards are free, and there is no minimum age to sign up for a card.

See the headings below for more info. If you can’t find an answer to your question here, give us a call at 508.430.7562 ext. 1 for assistance.

Need a new card?

If you have never had a card on the Cape and Islands before then you can self-register here! Once you’ve registered you will have immediate, temporary access. Simply come into the library during open hours to upgrade to a full access library card. Be sure to bring a photo ID when you arrive! Please note, you must be a MA resident to self-register. Please stop by the library if you aren’t a resident, we can issue a card for you in person!

Your temporary eCard allows you to:

  • Login to My Account and establish a PIN.
  • Use State-provided online research databases (within Massachusetts only).
  • Access our eMedia collection of OverDrive ebooks, downloadable audiobooks, and eMagazines.
  • Place up to 5 requests on print Books, DVDs, CDs, etc. in the CLAMS Catalog.

Need to reset your PIN?

Your PIN would have been a short password you set up when you first signed up for your library card. It’s an optional field on our form so it’s entirely possible that you have never set one up before. If you think you have though, you can reset your PIN with this link: Click Here!

**NOTE:  This only works if you have your email address on your CLAMS account. Give us a call or email us ( if you would like to add your email address to your account.**

Need to renew your card?

Get one of those card renewal emails? You can renew your card on-demand! Just sign in with your card at This Link and go to My Account > Renew Your Card (on the left bar of the screen). This should only pop-up if your card is set to expire in the next 30 days. If you need assistance, call or come by the library anytime during open hours, or check out this step-by-step document here.

Misplaced your card?

If you think you have had a CLAMS card in the past, please email us at or stop by the library during open hours to request a replacement card (for free!). Even if it’s been a few years since you used the library, you may still be registered in our system.