Brooks Free Library will be closed on Monday, January 20th for Martin Luther King Jr Day

Library Services for People with Disabilities

The Library is fully accessible for individuals who have difficulty with mobility. The elevator stops at all floors of the Library. Staff members will be happy to retrieve materials, make photocopies, fill out request forms or assist library users in any way. Please let us know how we can help!

Library staff will assist any patron with special needs, enabling everyone to enjoy full use of the Library’s resources including the following:

  • our sizable collection of large print books, Playaways, and books on CD.
  • a collection of NLS Talking Books and players which may be used while at the Library, or checked out to enjoy at home.
  • a special radio that patrons may borrow to listen to programming from Audible Local Ledger, the Cape affiliate of the Massachusetts Radio Reading Service.
  • collection of audio-described DVDs, which have narration inserted between the dialog, describing the film’s action and other key elements.
  • Home delivery of books for those who are unable to visit the library, for more info visit Books on Wheels
  • Max portable video magnifier which can be checked out and used with your TV at home
  • Ruby hand-held video magnifier for use in the library
  • Handheld magnifiers are available at each service desk

Our VITAL Volunteers will also download audiobooks from BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download) and Perkins online catalogs for patrons who are unable to do so themselves.

Universal Symbol for Assistive Listening System

Assistive Listening System (ALS)

The Brooks Free Library has an FM assistive listening system in its Thornton Room. This wireless system transmits sounds directly to a person who is hard of hearing for optimal clarity and better understanding. It provides improved listening clarity for people with hearing loss who experience difficulty and fatigue, when trying to understand speech, because of distance, reverberation, and distracting background noise. The listener hears the transmitted sound via a FM receiver that is used in combination with a compatible telecoil in a hearing aid or with headphones. The Library supplies receivers and headphones for use during programs. The universal ALS symbol on program publicity indicates that the system will be used during that program.

For more information, please read Brooks Free Library’s official Assistive Listening System policy.

Personal Listening Device

In addition to the ALS, the library has two personal listening devices available at either the circulation or reference desks to be used within the library. These devices work in conjunction with a telecoil in a hearing aid or with headphones to transmit sound directly to a person who is hard of hearing. For more information about these personal listening devices please ask a staff member.

VITAL (Vision Impaired Technology Assistance at the Library)

Brooks Free Library offers assistive technology and training for people with vision loss. One on one training is provided free of charge by volunteer tutors.  For more information about our VITAL program visit the VITAL page.