Recently a lot of library cards were set to expire at the same time, and you may have received a notice that yours needs to be renewed. Have no fear! This happens every three years, it’s just our way of making sure we have your correct information. Read on for step-by-step instructions!
NOTE: You must use a web browser, such as Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc. to renew your card. You cannot use the CLAMS app or the Libby app to renew your card. You can renew your card using your phone, tablet, or other device, but you must use a web browser to do so.
STEP 1 – Go to on any web browser.
STEP 2 – Enter your Library card number and PIN/password in the dialog box that appears
STEP 3 – You’re now logged into your account and should be on your account page. If not, click the “hamburger menu” next to your name (circled in red in the screenshot below.) Click on “Your Account” on the drop-down menu that appears.

STEP 4 – If your card is due to expire in the next 30 days you’ll see a notice on the left side of the screen, as shown below. Click the “Renew My Card” button.

STEP 5 – follow the prompts to verify or update your phone numbers, street address, email address, etc. and your card will be renewed.
If you need additional assistance, our staff members will be happy to help you! Give us a call at 508-430-7562, option 1, or stop by and see us during our open hours.